Category: Projects

  • It’s More Than One Page, But…

    A reader reminds us that back in 2005, a PSU class for Professor Will Macht did a Columbia River Crossing concept around a waterfront development named “Quayside”. It’s 8 pages (PDF, 2.1M), not one, but the idea of actually linking the CRC to land use is apparently completely foreign to the project team, so I…

  • Half a Page on the CRC

    I love people who can be succinct. This from Dan Wade. Dear Councilor Liberty, I came across a post on outlining your request for one-page CRC proposals and thought I would weigh in. First of all, the initial planning process seemed to woefully neglect the rail bridge west of the I-5 span, which is…

  • Someone at the Oregonian Has a Clue About the CRC

    Mike Francis’ opinion section feature about the Columbia River Crossing is a refreshing break from the “we must do this no matter what” drumbeat of the editorial page of our local daily: You don’t have to be an architect, artist, bicyclist, urban planner, academic or environmentalist to fear that the Columbia River Crossing is a…

  • Third Bridge One-pager

    More ideas for alternatives for the Columbia River Crossing: The Third Bridge Corridor Focus is on the economy, safety, and the environment. Approximately: 7 miles long 3 bridges 1 tunnel 1 viaduct Estimated Cost: $350-370 Million $3.5B to $3.7B Have an entire list of financing ideas. Definitely green, including the color. Location: The northern end…

  • Our First CRC One-Pager

    While some folks responded to our request for “one page” ideas for alternatives to the Columbia River Crossing with speculation that you couldn’t replace several years of planning with one page, Jim Howell shows how clearly it can be done: A Two Crossing Option for the CRC “Twice the bang for half the bucks” New…