Category: Projects

  • Absent from the CRC Debate: the Legislature

    A guest opinion piece by PSU’s Ethan Seltzer points out that the Oregon Legislature has completely ceded leadership on the Columbia River Crossing. Can we get them back in the game?

  • Can You Put Your CRC Idea on One Page?

    Metro Councilor Robert Liberty would like you to. He’s tired of waiting for the current project to collapse under its own weight and wants to start generating alternatives now. From his current newsletter: Columbia River Crossing: Time to leave the monster project behind and find some smarter, cheaper, greener solutions The designation of an expensive…

  • CRC Wheels Keep Turning

    Project Sponsors Council conducts joint work session with local agency staff on April 23 VANCOUVER – The Columbia River Crossing Project Sponsors Council will hold a public work session with local partner agency staff at its April 23 meeting. The work session will be held 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Southwest Region office…

  • From the CRC Watch

    Local news on the Columbia River Crossing: International Design Panel (one the project didn’t pay for) disses the project. I had a chance to listen to the audio today, and this is the most cogent critique of the absolute failure of imagination and leadership that this bridge is. A must listen – every minute of…

  • In Dissent

    I spent a pleasant 40 minutes yesterday being interviewed on the (Internet radio) “PDX Gen-Y” program about the Columbia River Crossing. You can check it out here (look for the April 5th episode).