Category: Projects

  • Keep the Pressure on: CRC Project Sponsors Meeting Today

    Coalition for a Livable Future would like you to show up: Show your opposition to the CRC at the Project Sponsors Council Meeting – Friday, March 12th from Stop the CRC! and Coalition for a Livable Future Grassroots coalition Stop the CRC! is (again!) organizing activism at the next CRC Project Sponsors Council Meeting. Why…

  • CRC Battle Lines Firming Up: Local Leaders and Enviros vs. Govs and DOTs

    A group of local environmental organizations issued a letter today critical of the response from Governors Kulongoski and Gregoire to the request of local leaders to have more control of the Columbia River Crossing project: March 10, 2010 Dear Governors Gregoire and Kulongoski, We are writing on behalf of our organizations, which together represent thousands…

  • Quote of the Week: “Of course, one planner’s sprawl is another’s economic development.”

    From an article in the Daily Journal of Commerce suggesting that just maybe the Columbia River Crossing is going to increase sprawl.

  • Sam Looking for Some CRC Nuance?

    At both last week’s Transportation Cabinet meeting and during a panel discussion on KBOO, I’ve heard Sam express some ideas that I find encouraging as ways to focus the Columbia River Crossing project: The CRC acts as a freeway, an arterial and a local street at the same time. The design should comprehend these different…

  • Guvs Talk Tough on CRC

    Governors Kulongoski and Gregoire have responded to the letter from local officials asking for more local control and review of the Columbia River Crossing project: NO. “We feel strongly this project must go forward without delay,” Kulongoski and Gregoire wrote in their letter. Coverage by the Trib and a particularly trenchant comparison to the Alaska…