Category: Projects

  • That’s the Sound of the CRC Unravelling

    The two major candidates for the Democratic nomination for Governor both oppose a 12-lane Columbia River Crossing (Bradbury favors the supplemental bridge approach). Earl Blumenauer declined to put in an earmark request this year for Federal support for ongoing planning.

  • If Only…

    I’m going to miss David Bragdon’s sense of humor when he’s termed out as Metro President. They’ve done an April fool’s day agenda (I suspect it will hit the web later today) for the Council. I can only wish this were real: 7.3 Resolution No. 10-4140, For the Purpose of Getting Real About the Columbia…

  • RTP End Game

    The final public comment period for the Regional Transportation Plan commences today. Speak now or hold your peace: 45-day public comment period on the Regional Transportation Plan opens March 22 On Monday, Metro opens a public comment period on both the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the plan’s Air Quality Conformity Determination. The RTP…

  • Eavesdropping on a CRC Phone Call

    With the Mercury’s Sarah Mirk. Two comments on the exchanges Sarah has written up. Nobody is talking about the elephant in the room: the Hayden Island Interchange design certainly has impacts on the community there, but it’s also about whether the Port of Portland gets to develop the West end of the Island at some…

  • Getting Rolled by the CRC

    I think the video (from the Stop the CRC coalition) speaks for itself: