Category: Projects

  • A Graphical CRC One-pager

    Click image for a full-size view A variation on the supplemental bridge theme, Spencer Boomhower gets his idea onto one page with full illustrations. Very nice!

  • Pressure for “Plan B” at the CRC

    I clearly missed an important meeting at the Columbia River Crossing Independent Review Panel yesterday. Metro President David Bragdon gave this testimony (PDF, 112K), with a clear call for “Plan B”: Moreover, we need an expedited process to get us to Plan B quickly, through a collaborative governance model which makes the highway divisions participants…

  • Busy Week for the CRC

    Lots of Columbia River Crossing happenings this week: The Independent Review Panel (IPR) will convene for the first time, and will be met by a protest at its first meeting. PROTEST PLANNED FOR FIRST MEETING OF CRC ‘RUBBER STAMP’ PANEL (Portland, Ore.)–The Stop the CRC Coalition–a grassroots organization opposing the Columbia River Crossing Project in…

  • CRC “Independent Review” Panel Rolls Out Schedule

    The Independent Review Panel for the Columbia River Crossing project (appointed by the same folks who have been ramming this project through) has its own web site and this schedule of all-day meetings: 5/19 – kickoff 5/20 – design review 6/1 – planning/environmental 6/2 – project management 6/17 – financial/project management continued 6/18 – operational…

  • Milwaukie Light Rail Gains an Opponent

    Apparently, Allen Alley, a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor, has decided that Light Rail is a good wedge issue. He has announced his opposition to the Milwaukie Light Rail project.