President Obama expedites the CRC (corrected)
Note: The original version of this article identified the source as Oregonian reporter Joseph Rose; the Oregonian article was written by Charles Pope. Portland Transport regrets the error. This evening, Joseph Rose Charles Pope reported that President Obama has ordered the $3.5B Columbia River Crossing to be given “expedited” status. While not providing any additional…
82nd Avenue Transportation Workshop
From the Active Rights of Way (AROW) mailing list: If you are interested in improving 82nd Avenue, please get this meeting on your calendar; September 24 at 7:00 PM. One of the often mentioned obstacles to improving 82nd Avenue is that it’s under ODOT jurisdiction. Your attendance at this meeting will help give our public…
A few new TriMet service surprises
TriMet has now announced all the details (i.e. detailed schedules) of its service changes which will take affect Sept 2. While most of the changes should be no surprise, given the intense debate over them back during the spring budget discussions, there are a few interesting surprises. Cameron Johnson has a good write-up over at…
How the Feds COULD help urban transit operations*
*without spending any money. I put “COULD” in all-caps because it’s not clear there is much interest in DC for doing so, for various reasons. It took forever to pass a transportation bill, and the one that did pass wasn’t particularly friendly to transit: the Administration wanted any sort of stimulus it could get and…
August 2012 Open Thread
While the Summer Games are in full swing ‘cross the pond, it is time for another open thread. There was much consternation in London over the creation of “Olympic lanes”–reserved lanes on major thoroughfares for Olympics VIPs. Many are being deactivated by city authorities due to under-use. This the last month under the current fare…