Author: EngineerScotty

  • Metro seeking TPAC applicants

    It’s fall, which means that Metro is seeking citizen applicants to serve on the Transportation Policy Advisory Committee. There are four openings. According to Metro: TPAC is an advisory committee that reviews regional plans and federally funded transportation projects across the three-county Portland area. It advises local and regional leaders on transportation spending priorities as…

  • Appeal to be filed against Pinot-Casino Highway

    It appears that the Pinot-Casino Highway (sometimes known as the Newberg-Dundee Bypass, which broke ground last week, although construction does not start until next year) has attracted legal opposition opposing the construction–albeit from an unusual place. Phase 1 of the project (which will likely be signed as an extension of OR18) runs from an intersection…

  • Possibilities for jurisdictional transfers of highways

    In a recent article on 82nd Avenue, the subject of jurisdictional transfers came up. Many streets and highways in the Portland area are managed and operated by ODOT, and in some cases this is inappropriate. (There are several other locally-managed roads for which ODOT ownership might be more appropriate). This article takes a look at…

  • September 2012 Open Thread

    As the kids get ready to head back to school, YouthPasses in hand, it’s time for a new Open Thread. Your last reminder: New routes and fares take effect this weekend. Jarrett Walker reminisces on the 30th anniversary of Portland’s transit grid; and Zef follows up here. Clackamas County votes on requiring citizen approval for…

  • Five reasons why BRT may have advantages over rail

    Once more into the bus/rail breech, my friends. In various comments and articles, I’ve enumerated various advantages that bus rapid transit has over equivalent-service rail in some circumstances; this post is simply a collection of these. It doesn’t constitute an endorsement of bus over rail for any specific project or system, hence the word “may”…