Author: EngineerScotty

  • Does somebody out there have a MAX-shaped voodoo doll?

    Westside MAX is down today, as a speeding car trying to negotiate the loop ramp from US26 to OR217 ran off the highway, landing on the MAX tracks at Sunset Transit Center. Nobody at the station was hurt; the driver (who was intoxicated) only suffered minor injuries, and no MAX trains were involved, but the…

  • The local election results and transit/land use

    It has certainly been a momentous–and busy–election night. In DC, the status quo was mostly maintained–President Obama is re-elected, and neither house of Congress changes control (the Democrats pick up a few seats in the Senate, and likely will in the House as well; though many seats are still undecided at this point). All Oregon…

  • November 2012 Open Thread

    Halloween is over, and Turkey Day is coming up. Time for another Open Thread. Also coming up is election day, on Tuesday, November 6. As a non-profit, we can’t endorse any candidates, but we can tell you that you should vote, and point you to Portland Afoot’s voters’ guide. Portland Afoot also looks at the…

  • BRT, LRT advance in Southwest Corridor

    Before the meat of the post, some apologies for my scarcity the past two months or so. I always seem to take blog-cation in the fall, and it happened again this year–have been quite busy with work and home, so haven’t had much time for PT. (Plus, I’ve been focusing a bit more on the…

  • October 2012 Open Thread

    Time for another open thread: Metro has a new fact sheet up for the Southwest Corridor. There’s more bad blood between TriMet and ATU757. Three month’s ago, TriMet won the arbitration case which allows it to impose its last, best offer on the union–the main financial effect of which is requiring union members to contribute…