Under New Management: TriMet and the Trust Gap
What ought to be of concern to TriMet’s riders and supporters was Friday’s front page article by Joseph Rose, who covers the transportation beat for the paper. The title says it all: Will TriMet bond measure get the support of those who actually ride TriMet? In the article, Rose (who is quite knowledgeable on the…
First UGB Expansion: South Hillsboro?
On Tuesday, the Metro council–which earlier in the year finalized the area’s selection of urban and rural reserves–had a work session to discuss future expansions to the Urban Growth Boundary. The councilors expressed a need for about 15,000 housing units to meet future housing needs in the region, and one parcel which was discussed in…
Oregonian opposes TriMet bond measure 26-119
In this morning’s Oregonian, the editorial board came out against Measure 26-119, the TriMet sponsored bond measure which would continue the soon-to-expire Westside MAX bonds, in order to pay for numerous enhancements to the bus system, particularly to help out the disabled.