Author: EngineerScotty

  • Two TriMet-related editorials in the morning paper

    This morning’s Oregonian has two editorials (one a guest submission, one by one of the paper’s regulars) on the subject of TriMet. The guest editorial, by Craig Boretz, Randy Miller and Angus Duncan, deals with TriMet’s funding crisis. It calls for further “restructuring” of the labor agreements, including withdrawal of mandatory arbitration. But it also…

  • Portland Afoot is throwing a party

    to celebrate its second birthday. And you’re invited. The happenings are happening this Thursday, July 26, at Backspace (115 NW 5th Avenue), starting at 6:30. The party is being sponsored by Zipcar and Widmer Brothers Brewery. Admission to the event is free, and the first 50 groups of three or more that show up with…

  • TriMet wins aribtration with ATU 757

    As mentioned in the open thread, TriMet has prevailed against ATU Local 757 in the abitration over the 2009 contract offer. TriMet’s “Modified Final Offer” is retroactively imposed, and expires–this fall. An announcement by TriMet is here, the ruling is here. Earlier, The Oregonian summarized the contract proposals here, and profiled the arbitrator here. The…

  • Transit and those dependent upon it

    There’s been quite a bit in the national press this week about the subject. Amanda Hess, writing for Atlantic Cities, penned an article called Race, class, and the Stigma of Riding the Bus in America. This article drew quite a bit of attention, including a somewhat scathing criticism from Jarrett Walker, who objected to the…

  • July 2012 Open Thread

    We now enter the second half of 2012. Milwaukie MAX construction enters its second year. Speaking of construction and MAX, there will be elevator maintenance at five MAX stations this month, so be aware. Congress has finally passed a transportation bill. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be a very good one (although much better than…