Author: EngineerScotty

  • City of Portland engages in outrageous $2M power-play against TriMet.

    In a move which apparently came as a complete surprise, Portland mayor Sam Adams has proposed levying/hiking various fees on TriMet, related to things like benches and shelters. The amount of the proposed fee hike is 8000%, or about $2M; intended to cover the cost of the YouthPass program, which was cut by TriMet in…

  • Reader Question: Why does TriMet run the 84?

    A Portland Transport reader (who may identify himself in the comments if he wishes to) emailed in the following question:Dear PortlandTransport, Now that I know PortlandTransport has a whole stable of contributors, I am wondering if any of you may know the skinny on line 84. The other day I was looking at the TriMet…

  • Some (more) friendly advice for TriMet

    As noted in the Open Thread, TriMet’s board approved the agency’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget at today’s board meeting, a somewhat controversial proposal that included the abolition of Free Rail Zone, a fare hike and a flattening of the fare structure, and another round of service cuts. The good folks at OPAL were out in…

  • ODOT to launch VMT pilot program in the fall

    Laura Bollen-Lopez of The Oregonian reports that ODOT is planning to test a new Vehicle Mileage Tax (VMT) program in the fall. VMT is a tax levied on the number of miles a vehicle drives, independent of fuel consumption, weight, or other factors which are captured (somewhat) by fuel taxes or weight-mile taxes. The pilot…

  • Metro releases initial proposals for TV Highway

    A metro study group has released a list of proposals for improving mobility/access in the TV Highway corridor. The list operates on the assumption that TV Highway will continue to function as an urban boulevard, and will not be converted into a more expressway-like facility, as Washington County planners had envisioned in earlier times. Some…