PSU Launches Transit Boards
Our technology continues to spread :-) PSU has just added a set of our Transit Boards™ to their Transportation and Parking Services site!
Another SMS Option
Just as we had one reader complaining that the text messages from our SMS arrival service are too verbose (not because of us) another reader clued me in to an alternative service called TextMarks. Since we had already developed the terse output for 411sync, it was pretty simple to get an interface to TextMarks going.…
Transit Surfer(tm) Updates
We’ve just finished updating the Transit Surfer™ to use TriMet’s new REST interface – it certainly makes things simpler under the hood. There are some further performance optimizations we can get out of the new interface – but one thing at a time. Users should not notice any difference, but they will notice another change…
Transit Board Enhancements?
TriMet has a new display up at the 7th and Holladay MAX station that looks a lot like a Transit Board™. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :-) [Actually, I have no idea if this design was inspired by Transit Board or not, it’s not like the design is especially original.] Does anyone know…
Portland Transport’s Transit Tools
This post is intended to serve as the landing page for permanent user documentation for our transit tools, and will be linked from our sidebar navigation to make it easy to find. Currently Portland Transport offers several different tools designed to make it easier for transit system users to access TriMet and NextBus data for…