Category: Transit Tools

  • Clever Commute Now Covers All Rail Lines

    The Clever Commute beta has been expanded to include all Light Rail lines and the Portland Streetcar. Stay calm, Erik, I’m going to lobby for the #12 bus as the next line :-)

  • First Real Use of Clever Commute in Portland

    Last month we started a beta-test of Clever Commute on the Blue Line. Today we had our first real use: There has been a med. Emergency on the Parkrose sumner platform, it does may cause delays on the Red line that may cause blue line delays and overcrowding. On another note eastbound trains appear to…

  • Clever Commute Beta Test

    The cat’s out of the bag now. The transit tool we’ve been recruiting beta testers for is Clever Commute, which I posted about last month. It’s a peer-to-peer information sharing tool, by which transit users can inform each other about up-to-the-minute conditions. They are evaluating Portland for expansion of their service to the West Coast…

  • Looking for a Few Good Transit Riders

    … to beta-test a new transit information tool. MAX riders preferred. Contact me at

  • Google Maps Street View now live in Portland

    Google Maps’ “Street View” feature, introduced earlier in the year, allows street level views of most any address in a supported city. To do this, Google has a fleet of vehicles with roof-mounted camera arrays which survey entire cities. The end result and user interface are both amazing, and somewhat disconcerting, given various privacy concerns…