Category: Transit Tools

  • Victory Lap for TriMet

    I like to think of myself as sort of the “loyal opposition” for TriMet – in agreement with their mission and supportive of their efforts in general, but pushing them to do a better job, and not afraid to point it out when I think they’ve made a mistake. But today I’m an unabashed fan.…

  • Transit Boards Get a Little Simpler and More Flexible

    We’re starting to see our Transit Board™ tool show up in some interesting places. And now we’ve made it even simpler to use. Previously there were two ways set up a ‘place’ for a Transit Board: Use our generic look & feel and specify a series of stop ids for the listing Have us create…

  • Transit Boards in the Wild

    We’re delighted to announce that we have partnered with Ride Connection to provide Transit Board™ service in a number of senior centers and service locations, including the Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services office in Gresham. There are many partners who came together to make this location happen, including: Ride Connections partners East County U-Ride…

  • Desktop Transit Info Appliance

    I’ve been playing around with using inexpensive internet devices as displays for transit arrival information, looking for something that will scale inexpensively. I’ve been having some fun with WiFi picture frames, but haven’t found one with quite the right features yet. I’ve had slightly more success with a gadget called a ‘Chumby‘. Here’s mine sitting…

  • Next major iPhone software update to feature support for transit and walking directions.

    From AppleInisider: When set in Directions mode, Maps now offers three icons — car, public transit, and walking — centered at the top of screen, in between the “Edit” and “Start” buttons. Selecting the transit icon provides a list of transit choices that can include subways, buses, or a combination of the two. A list…