Category: Transit Tools

  • Tab A Now Fits in Slot B

    Warning: this is a little techno-geeky. But it’s a significant win for those of us who care about open transit data. Until very recently, you could get a TriMet data feed for your transit application without any problem, and you could get NextBus data for Streetcar arrivals, as long as your application was non-commercial. But…

  • Augmented Reality Comes to TriMet

    Clearly an escape from the real world is required. Seriously, there are several new applications making use of TriMet’s open data, and a couple of them take an augmented reality approach. For example, you can point your camera phone at a bus stop and get an overlay of the next arrival time. Very cool, but…

  • New Desktop Widget for Transit Arrivals

    If you’re a user of iGoogle, you’ll want to check out this new Google Gadget from one of our readers.

  • Where’s That Train?

    One of our readers (and Transit Board™ users), e-mailed in this question over the weekend: I have a question about the GPS real-time transit tracker system for MAX. I’ve noticed that there has been no real-time information for any MAX stop for many months, at least since the Green line went online. I’ve sent multiple…

  • Find Your Transit App

    The folks who brought you WalkScore now bring you City-Go-Round which will help you find transit information applications for your city or region (also biking, walking and driving apps) and will further tell you which transit agencies near you provide open data (kudos to TriMet for starting the trend).