Google Transit now integrated into Google Maps
A couple of years ago, Google launched the Google Transit service which allowed users to plan trips on an interface very much like Google Maps, using schedule data from transit agencies in various cities. (In fact, Portland was the first city chosen for this service.) Recently, Google began integrating features of Google Transit into the…
Here we are: the first commute day with the Transit Mall closed. Yesterday’s O featured a chart with all the new stop locations (PDF, 764K). We just wanted to let you know that our Transit Surfer tool has been updated with all the new route and stop information.
Transit at GOSCON
The Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON) is here in Portland today and tomorrow and I signed up because there is a track just on transit. I just came from a session looking at development of a mult-agency, multi-modal trip planner. There’s a lot of work to do but it could be very cool when it’s…
Transit Surfer Simplified, More Functional For Cell Phone Users
Over the weekend, we made some significant changes to our Transit Surfer tool. Previously, we had three different interfaces, one for desktop browsers, one for PDAs with HTML browsers, and one for cell phones with WAP/WML browsers. The WAP version has been the weakest, with poor navigation tools. We’ve scrapped that approach and moved to…
When’s My Bus Coming?
In the Sunday O, Jim Mayer has an article about the TriMet bus lines that are most consistently late (TriMet defines this as more than 5 minutes behind schedule). The champion is the #95 I-5 Tigard Express. In fact, all of the worst performing lines are long-haul lines, often expresses, that are most likely to…