Category: Sustainability

  • 350 This Weekend

    What’s magic about 350? That’s the upper limit (in parts per million) of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere to keep climate change to a manageable level. The problem is, we’re already at 390ppm and increasing. A series of rallies around the world are scheduled for October 24th, including one here in Portland protesting the Columbia…

  • RTP Gets Lukewarm Reviews from Progressive Transportation Advocates

    Metro has concluded the public hearings on the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and let’s just say that the progressives aren’t turning hand-stands. The Bicycle Transportation Alliance likes the bike projects but isn’t happy about the balance of auto projects in the mix. There are also many strong elements to the RTP, and the BTA believes…

  • Moving Cooler

    One of the highlights of the Oregon Transportation Summit on Friday was the keynote presentation on the new Moving Cooler report, given by the project manager for the study, Joanne Potter. The report was funded by a consortium as diverse as the Shell Oil and APTA (the American Public Transportation Association), so we can hope…

  • One of the Secrets to Lower VMT: Neighborhood Retail

    Via Planetizen: An article on “grist” makes the case that the transition from neighborhood-based retail to big boxes is one of the contributors to increasing per-capita vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and makes the case for a return to neighborhood retail as a way to combat global warming.

  • Characteristics of a Reslient Transport City

    I mentioned that I was reading Resilient Cities. From the book, here are the key elements for a resilient transport city: A transit system that is faster than traffic in all major corridors. Viable centers along the corridors that are dense enough to service a good transit system. Walkable areas and cycling facilities that can…