Cash for Clunkers, What’s a Sustainable Transportation Geek Supposed to Think?
The news was a-twitter (no, not Twitter, the old-fashioned a-twitter) this weekend that the “Cash for Clunkers” program from the Stimulus is apparently so popular that it blew through the available funding in 5 days and Congress is tripping over itself to approve another $2B in funding (or as we say around here, one-half of…
Via Planetizen: Back when I was a citizen representative on MPAC, my favorite question to ask as we were starting the current update of the regional transportation and land use plans (they should be done in a year or three) was: “What can we do to make our region resilient against rising energy costs and…
Efforts to Address Climate Change Inch Forward
In Salem, we have a new Greenhouse Gas Emissions Task Force. Here’s a note from the Oregon Environmental Council on the bill: House Bill 2186 passed the Senate Wednesday evening, the House concurred with Senate amendments Thursday, and the bill now goes to the Governor for his signature. Thanks for your help! As mentioned in…
Updated: Visit A Climate Action Plan Town Hall
Updated: 6/26/09 An additional town hall has been added: Saturday, July 11 / 2:00-4:00 pm David Douglas High School 1001 SE 135th Original Post: 6/2/09 Climate Action Plan Town Halls Join the conversation. The City of Portland and Multnomah County have drafted a new action plan to lead our community forward in the…
Why Local Governments are Likely to Get Onboard the Sprawl-Inducing Transportation Bill
In a word – Maintenance. The City of Portland, as one example, would see about a 40% increase in gas tax revenue available to fix potholes and rebuild streets that are too far gone for routine maintenance. As one transportation official told me, this would “stop the bleeding”. The bleeding in this case being the…