Category: Sustainability

  • 6.7 Miles Per Day Per Person

    That’s the plan. That’s how many passenger-car miles per person we have to average in 2050 to meet the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. Today’s number is 18.5, up from 17.4 in 1990. That’s just one metric from the new Climate Action Plan issued Friday by the City of Portland and Multnomah…

  • And Now … CLEAN TEA

    A bi-partisan group of Senators and Representatives have just introduced the “Clean Low-Emissions Affordable New Transportation Equity Act“, a new approach to funding transportation that would reward states based on the degree to which they reduced their emissions.

  • Hot, Flat, Crowded and Free

    Tom Friedman, author of Hot, Flat and Crowded will be giving a free lecture at PSU on March 9th, sponsored by Ecotrust and a host of other organizations. Details here.

  • League of Women Voters Presentation on Peak Oil

    League of Women Voters Presentation on Peak Oil –2/10 Public Invited at 7pm on February 10th John Kaufmann, Senior Policy Analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy’s Conservation Division, will discuss “peak oil” on February 10th at 7pm. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne…

  • T4America Pushes Congress for a Green Recovery

    This came over the transom this week: With the December holidays just around the corner, Americans everywhere are feeling the pinch. Congress knows we’re in trouble, but they can’t fix our country’s economy without making a down-payment to complete America’s transportation system. Urge your representative and senators to fight for strong transportation investment in the…