Reslicing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The conventional wisdom has been that transportation in our region was responsible for about a third of our Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Metro has just commissioned a new inventory of emissions, and came up with a lower number, about 25%. Of that, about 3/5ths is “local passenger traffic” (i.e., cars) and 2/5ths is our long distance…
T4America Supports Climate Bill
Transportation for America supports the Kerry-Lieberman climate bill, which among other things includes another $1.8B for TIGER grants (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery). They’d like you to call your Senators. Learn more at their blog.
Greenhouse Gas Strategies
Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2010 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Lewisom Lem, Principal Consultant and Climate Change Practice Leader, Jack Faucett Associates Topic: Promising Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies for the Transportation Sector: Low Carbon Fuels, Leveraging Transit with Smart Growth, and Ports and Goods Movement Opportunities When: Friday, April 16, 2010,…
Adapting Our Transportation System to Climate Change
Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Winter 2010 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Ashley Haire, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Civil Engineering, PSU Topic: Adapting Our Transportation System to Climate Change When: Friday, March 5, 2010, 12:00 – 1:00pm Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204
Focus on SB 1059
The Oregon Environmental Council would like you to support SB 1059. The bill (PDF) would direct the Departments of Transportation and Land Conservation and Development to develop land use and transportation “scenarios” to reduce greenhouse gases and create administrative rules to direct the six major metropolitan areas in the state to create plans to meet…