Category: Projects

  • City Council Focus on CRC This Week

    Two City Council meetings focus on the Columbia River Crossing this week, both at City Hall in the Council Chambers: Monday, 10AM – Joint work session with the Metro Council: I. OPENING REMARKS BY MAYOR ADAMS AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT BRAGDON II. COLUMBIA RIVER CROSSING PRESENTATION • Review of two Council’s resolutions, progress report on what…

  • $700M+ Price Tag on “Hybrid” I-5/99W Connector

    Reported in the Daily Journal of Commerce.

  • CRC Before City Council – A Key Public Input Opportunity

    City Council is holding a hearing on the Columbia River Crossing at the end of the month: Portland City Council Hearing With Public Testimony January 29, 2pm Portland City Hall, 1221 SW Fourth Ave This will be a critical opportunity for public input on the number of lanes and other major project decisions. Get the…

  • Sellwood Recommendation – It’s “D”

    Just in from regular reader Jason Barbour: Please allow me to interrupt the stream of recent “All CRC All the Time” comments in the aforementioned thread, and in “8, 10, 12?,” for the following late-breaking news regarding the Sellwood Bridge Project: The Community Task Force has met as the CTF for the final time, and…

  • All CRC, All the Time

    Lots of Columbia River Crossing stuff today: A front-page article in yesterday’s O asks whether the CRC is sustainable, or is just being painted that way. The independent critique of the greenhouse gas analysis (PDF, 196K) has been released. Fundamentally it supports the analysis in the DEIS. On the other hand, if you believe the…