Category: Projects

  • Bragdon Takes Oregonian to Task on CRC

    In a letter-to-the-editor (“Bridge analysis goes in a circle”) published online today, Metro Council President David Bragdon disputes the Oregonian editorial position on the Columbia River Crossing on several points: That all the critics are extremists: But in dismissing that extreme, you have overlooked thoughtful and constructive questions from rational people who are supportive of…

  • Metro Hearing on CRC

    Metro has scheduled a public hearing for next week for a resolution instructing Metro President David Bragdon on how to represent the agency on the project sponsors council during the discussion on the number of lanes for the Columbia River Crossing. What: Metro Council Meeting regarding the number of lanes on the CRC, with public…

  • My First Ride on WES

    Today I joined several folks from the Streetcar Citizen Advisory Committee for a preview ride on the new Westside Express Service (WES). More after the jump.

  • From the CRC Front Lines

    I attended the joint Portland City Council/Metro Council work session on the Columbia River Crossing this morning. It was interesting to watch the two groups interact directly (something that has only happened once before, on the occasion that Portland sold the St. John’s landfill to Metro). The main topic was intended to be the number…

  • There is a fundamental fallacy…

    Rescued from obscurity on OregonLive. Ronald A. Buel is a Portland business executive and published writer on transportation. The Oregonian continues its campaign for the $4.2 billion Columbia River Crossing (CRC) with a January 18 editorial, and with a January 22 My Opinion piece by James L. Huffman. These two follow a column by Dave…