Category: Projects

  • Anti-CRC Rally Details Confirmed

    From the Coalition for a Livable Future. The BTA joins the call and suggests folks contact their State Legislators to make their feelings know and ask Legislators their position. CRC Opposition and Alternatives Rally, Noon on April 5th at Waterfront Park Mark Your Calendars! What: Rally to demand viable alternatives to a 12 lane Columbia…

  • Second Anti-CRC Video Released

  • Bridge Shopping Network Hits the Air

  • CRC Fun in Salem

    Updated: 3/17/09 I heard today that the hearing has been canceled, no word on rescheduling. I wonder what political chip this was traded for? Original Post: 3/12/09 I learned yesterday about Senate Bill 580, which would begin tolling the I-5 bridges over the Columbia in 2011 to begin raising money for the Columbia River Crossing…

  • Rally Against the CRC

    Mark your calendars. A rally in opposition to the 12-lane Columbia River Crossing is being planned for noon on April 5th at Waterfront Park. Commissioner Amanda Fritz and many others will be speaking. More details to follow…