Category: Projects

  • 8, 10, 12?

    Apparently there was a fair amount of disagreement over home many lanes the Columbia River Crossing should have at Friday’s Project Sponsors’ Council meeting. According to the Oregonian, Portland was trying to eliminate the 12-lane option, while Vancouver was trying to eliminate the 8-lane option (while holding out for 12). Ah, harmony… My favorite quote…

  • Sellwood Options Nearing Recommendation

    The Daily Journal of Commerce reports that Sellwood Bridge Advisory Group is nearing a decision on a recommendation for a preferred bridge option.

  • CRC Sponsors Panel to Review Greenhouse Gases on Friday

    The Meeting is 10-noon at the WSDOT HQ in Vancouver: 10:00 – 10:10 a.m. Welcome and Introductions 10:10 – 11:30 a.m. Add/Drop Lanes Decision Process (Cont.): • Overview • Response to Action Items from Last Meeting: – Travel Demand & tolling – Additional Operational Differences – Transit Impacts – Environmental Differences – Cost Related Issues…

  • CRC Critic Joins Mayor’s Staff

    Much was made of the announcement that Amy Ruiz, news editor of the Portland Mercury, was joining Mayor Sam Adams’ staff. The coverage focused on the transition from reporter to policy wonk. What no one seems to have commented on yet is that Ruiz as been a very vocal critic of the Columbia River Crossing:…

  • Finally, A Useful CRC Planning Exercise

    Help plan where Light Rail would go in Vancouver: Help Design Light Rail Transit in Vancouver! We need your input about light rail in Vancouver’s downtown: •Light Rail Alignment •Station Location •Park and Ride Integration A walking tour and hands-on workshops will be held for community members who live, work or own property near the…