Category: Projects

  • Updated: Sellwood Options Defined

    Updated: 11/08/08 Full documents now available. Original Post: 10/28/08 While the final report will not be out until next month, today’s O has an infographic with the major options for dealing with the Sellwood.

  • Two New CRC Open Houses

    The Columbia River Crossing project invites you to attend an open house in December to learn about plans for light rail on Hayden Island and in Vancouver, a replacement bridge, and fixing seven highway interchanges between SR 500 and Columbia Boulevard. Public comments will help the project make decisions on key issues including the number…

  • Pretty or Cheap?

    Under the title “Can We Afford Pretty?” the Sunday O delves into whether the Columbia River Crossing design will be aspirational or prosaic. Of course, Pearson Air Park gets thrown into the mix as well, with the height limits it may impose on any replacement bridge. I still wonder if we can afford it at…

  • CRC Oversight: New and Improved

    The new 10-member “project sponsors council” for the Columbia River Crossing will hold its first meeting on November 4th at 3pm at WashDOT in Vancouver (details in the Trib). Will this new group lead us to better results than the 30+ member stakeholder committee did? With David Bragdon now subbed in for Rex Burkholder, will…

  • CRC Mantra: Job Creation

    I’m at the JPACT retreat this morning, where among other things the regional legislative strategy for the 2009 Oregon Legislative session is being discussed. The Port of Portland lobbyist is inculcating a mantra of “job creation” as the top line message for the Columbia River Crossing. I was muttering under my breath: “environmental destruction.”