Category: Projects

  • Osborn Out, Brandman in at CRC – Sea Change?

    From Willamette Week: Metro’s Transit Program director, Richard Brandman, is taking a top job at the Columbia River Crossing project. While Brandman might not be a household name, the move may signal that the project’s two sponsor agencies–the Washington and Oregon departments of transportation–want to make the proposed $4.2 billion bridge to the ‘Couv more…

  • WES: Fall opening falls behind.

    TriMet has delayed the opening of WES until February 2nd, primarily due to problems with the railcar vendor. From the press release: TriMet purchased three self-propelled Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) cars and one trailer from Colorado Railcar Manufacturing (CRM). TriMet contracted with CRM, the only U.S. firm that builds DMUs that meets federal safety standards…

  • CRC Federal Funding Questioned

    Based on the quotes in Dylan Rivera’s article in the O today, legislators in D.C. aren’t much more enthusiastic than the ones in Salem about putting big money into the Columbia River Crossing. Is it time yet to scrap this thing and start over with a program that actually makes sense?

  • Buses to return to transit mall; Public input on routes sought.

    As mentioned in the open thread, TriMet has now released it’s preliminary plans for returning buses to the Transit Mall. A series of public meetings will be held to gather input from riders. For full details, visit: A compilation of the comments from the open thread follows the break:

  • “Hybrid” I-5/99W Connector

    Apparently the reality of transportation funding constraints has started to sink in. The steering committee for this project has directed staff to develop a concept that does not involve creating a new road (I assume that means expansion of existing roads and things like new signalization, etc.). This is being called the ‘hybrid’ concept: “We…