$700M+ Price Tag on “Hybrid” I-5/99W Connector

Reported in the Daily Journal of Commerce.

8 responses to “$700M+ Price Tag on “Hybrid” I-5/99W Connector”

  1. Looks like the only mass transit improvement in the project area would be a commuter rail extension to Sherwood. I wonder if more people would use basic bus service if it were implemented/provided on Tualatin-Sherwood Rd. and Tualatin Rd. I know I would have when I lived out there if it were available.

  2. Let me guess,,, transit and trail improvements will come first,, with worsening congestion and no roads to follow.

    How familliar.

  3. The article mention a quote from someone that there are some “transit and trail improvements”, but the rest of the article talks about which roads are going to be widened. What exactly are the transit and trail improvements, or is that line just some greenwashing on the part of Washington Country?

  4. I lived in Tualatin, near the I-205/I-5 interchange. I would have welcomed this project, since it was such a complete pain in my ass to get home many days. Most of the traffic was not local traffic, it was just cutting through.

    I’d have lover to offered them an additional route, just so I wasn’t getting cut off by them every day.

  5. Jason Barbour wrote: I wonder if more people would use basic bus service if it were implemented/provided on Tualatin-Sherwood Rd. and Tualatin Rd

    Good point.

    A WES extension from Tualatin to Sherwood would cost at least $10-15 million just in track rehab (that track is some of the worst railroad track in use in Oregon), plus building a new junction where the Westside and OE Districts cross each other…the easiest junction would force WES trains from Sherwood north to Tigard, thus eliminating the stop in Tualatin (unless the train makes a reverse move). There’s also one major trestle north of Sherwood that would need to be rebuilt.

    And there’s that pesky little issue of…the car. Considering that Colorado Railcar…doesn’t exist anymore…there is nobody that builds (or has ready to build) a FRA compliant railcar…

    Cost of a bus? $350,000. Four buses, a few stop improvements…and you’re still well under the cost of just track rehab. And I forgot to mention, a WES extension wouldn’t serve any of the employers in the corridor, or the residential neighborhoods along Tualatin Road, like a bus could.

  6. that pesky little issue of…the car

    I went to the TriMet Board of Directors meeting this morning (it was interesting, with many different things mentioned) and there was talk of somebody else building the cars.

  7. Jason McHuff: there was talk of somebody else building the cars

    …and that would be……………………?


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