Category: Modes

  • New Transportation-related Blog

    With a specialty focus … TriMet Watchdog

  • TriMet Fares to Rise Again (and Again)?

    This alert hit TriMet’s e-mail list yesterday. Under the semi-automatic diesel cost response plan that TriMet instituted earlier in the year, a nickel fare increase is being proposed, and another nickel is possible. This would put an all-zone fare at $2.00 or $2.05. Ugh.

  • Lake Oswego/Portland Transit Design Workshop

    The project advisory committee for the Willamette Shoreline transit alternatives analysis is holding a community design workshop: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:30 pm-8:30 pm Draft locations for a bus line, rail line, trail and river transit that were developed by the 21-member, citizen project advisory committee will be presented and discussed along with information about…

  • British Columbia Officials Study Light Rail in Portland

    Portland regularly sends delegations to Vancouver to study their solutions to urban issues. But apparently our neighbors to the north think they can learn a thing or two from us. Jessica was kind enough to pass on this link about a junket to Portland. Port Moody is about 30 minutes east of Vancouver. No word…

  • How Far Will You Walk to Transit?

    Find out at this week’s PSU seminar… Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2006 Transportation Seminar Series Join us for two excellent presentations by PSU MURP Candidates! Sumi Malik: Exploring Factors Influencing Perceived Walking Distance to Light Rail Transit Stations Erin Wilson: Employer Incentives and Mode Choice When: Friday, May 26, 2006, 12:00-1:30…