Category: Modes

  • When the Money Runs Out

    There was a transportation panel at last week’s Illahee symposium, “Oil Water and Oregon”. Of course the gas tax came up. As the gas tax loses buying power to inflation and greater fuel economy, the funds available for maintenance continue to get squeezed. One panelist opined that the message voters were sending in voting down…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Pedalpalooza 2006

    6 Pedalpalooza event organizers join us to tell us about their cool events. Dropout Bicycle Club Bikes, Buttes and Bond Measures Dance Party Stuff in Vancouver Urban Adventure League stuff and much more

  • New Idiom in Traffic Signaling

    The City of Portland is trying a new approach to “left turn yield to oncoming traffic”: City of Portland installs new experimental Left-Turn Signal with Flashing Yellow Arrow. The City of Portland’s Office of Transportation will be activating a new flashing yellow arrow left-turn display at NE 82nd and Tillamook on Tuesday, June 6th at…

  • Solving the Bike on Transit Capacity Problem?

    We’ve discussed the fact that we have a ‘congestion’ problem with capacity for bikes on MAX and popular bus routes being maxed out. This week’s Business Week, offers one potential solution: commuting on a folding bike that you can take on the train with you. This article seems to focus on the commuter-train riding audience.…

  • Innovating the Last Mile

    One of the conundrums of the age of e-commerce is the so-called “last mile” problem, getting a delivery from the local depot to the actual delivery address. In the case of residential deliveries, this has not just VMT impacts, but also impacts on neighborhood livability. I see Fedex, UPS and DHL trucks on my local…