Category: Modes

  • Electronic Paid Bike Parking Comes to the Region

    Vancouver will be introducing new bike lockers using pre-paid chip cards. Check out the technology at An EPA grant is helping fund the effort. The introduction event will be tomorrow (Tuesday, 6/20) at noon at 1300 Franklin St. in Vancouver. Thanks to Todd Boulanger for the heads up.

  • Coming Down from the Summit

    The tone of Saturday’s Bicycle Summit was set for me when a fellow Portland Transport contributor sat down and said “I hope there won’t be a lot of self-congratulatory crap.” (You know who you are.) Of course, there was some celebration of where we’ve come from and what we’ve accomplished, but it was also acknowledged…

  • Sauvie Island Bridge Headed for the Scrap Heap

    Word just in from Commissioner Sam Adams’ office that efforts to move the Sauvie Island Bridge to NW Portland to complete a bikeway on Flanders Street over I-405 are being dropped. The Commissioner’s office indicates that community response was not sufficient to justify the extra cost of moving the bridge (rather than constructing a smaller-but-to-code…

  • Bikes in the Spotlight

    It’s a good week for bikes: over 300 people have registered for this weekend’s Bicycle Summit (it’s not too late to register). And a new study commissioned by PDOT shows that cycling contributes $63 million annually to Portland’s economy. Check out the story at Bike Portland for all the details. Update: BTA has just released…

  • Incenting Behavior Change

    Remember the old advertising jingle, “I’d like to buy the world a coke…”, well how about a new version: “I’d like to buy the world a bike…” Here’s a success story from the Rogue Valley on getting folks to change their transportation patterns. In April of 2005, fifteen courageous Rogue Valley citizens committed to giving…