Electronic Paid Bike Parking Comes to the Region
Vancouver will be introducing new bike lockers using pre-paid chip cards. Check out the technology at www.bikelink.org. An EPA grant is helping fund the effort. The introduction event will be tomorrow (Tuesday, 6/20) at noon at 1300 Franklin St. in Vancouver. Thanks to Todd Boulanger for the heads up.
Coming Down from the Summit
The tone of Saturday’s Bicycle Summit was set for me when a fellow Portland Transport contributor sat down and said “I hope there won’t be a lot of self-congratulatory crap.” (You know who you are.) Of course, there was some celebration of where we’ve come from and what we’ve accomplished, but it was also acknowledged…
Sauvie Island Bridge Headed for the Scrap Heap
Word just in from Commissioner Sam Adams’ office that efforts to move the Sauvie Island Bridge to NW Portland to complete a bikeway on Flanders Street over I-405 are being dropped. The Commissioner’s office indicates that community response was not sufficient to justify the extra cost of moving the bridge (rather than constructing a smaller-but-to-code…
Bikes in the Spotlight
It’s a good week for bikes: over 300 people have registered for this weekend’s Bicycle Summit (it’s not too late to register). And a new study commissioned by PDOT shows that cycling contributes $63 million annually to Portland’s economy. Check out the story at Bike Portland for all the details. Update: BTA has just released…
Incenting Behavior Change
Remember the old advertising jingle, “I’d like to buy the world a coke…”, well how about a new version: “I’d like to buy the world a bike…” Here’s a success story from the Rogue Valley on getting folks to change their transportation patterns. In April of 2005, fifteen courageous Rogue Valley citizens committed to giving…