PDOT Gets Tagged for Lack of Subcontracting
Yesterday’s O includes an article indicating that PDOT has violated statutes for putting re-paving projects out to bid (possibly making it a net-neutral PR day for PDOT, they also got named best employer by the Women in Transportation Seminar, as noted in the Daily Journal of Commerce). This peaked my interest, because I’m currently reading…
The Future of Light Rail
In Sunday’s Oregonian, Jim Mayer has a provocative article about the future of Light Rail. There’s also an accompanying diagram (PDF, 1.4M) of potential future rail expansion opportunities. The article recounts the system’s successes, including carrying 25% of east/west commuters to and from downtown and the impact on compact development. The real success story has…
Eastside Streetcar Shows Strong Support
The Transit Alternatives Analysis for the eastside is moving toward a recommendation on a “Locally Preferred Alternative” this summer. The recommendation will encompass both a modal choice (Streetcar vs. Bus in this case) and the alignment of streets to be used. Following Wednesday evening’s public hearing (which in turn followed an open house last month…
AORTA Testimony on Eastside Transit
Delivered May 10th at the public hearing on the Eastside Transit Alternatives Analysis. AORTA asserts that all reasonable alternatives for an eastside circulator have not been fully analyzed. The Draft Evaluation Report states in Chapter 2, regarding the No-Build Alternative (page 2-1 paragraph 4), “A ‘best bus’ alternative with further bus system enhancements would not…
Officially Respectible: Bicycle Commuting Featured in Wall Street Journal
This must be what mainstream feels like. Thursday’s Wall Street Journal has an article (sorry, no link, you need a password) in the “Personal Journal” section talking about efforts by cities to attract people to bicycle commuting. The focus is on incentives and end-of-trip facilities. Portland gets a mention, but not a very accurate one:…