Category: Modes

  • Updated bus relocation plan unveiled

    TriMet today unveiled an updated plan to relocate buses off the Portland Mall during construction of the Portland Mall Light Rail project. The project is part of the 8.3-mile I-205/Portland Mall Light Rail extension set to begin construction in mid-January 2007. After receiving hundreds of public comments and completing additional traffic analysis, TriMet updated its…

  • Free Trade in Bikes?

    Here’s an interesting link I picked up from the Word Car Free Network list. Apparently there is an effort to get bicycles and bicycle parts classified as “environmentally preferable products” for purposes of the World Trade Organization, so they can be imported and exported with out tariffs. I’m not sure what that would mean for…

  • Oregonian “Gets It” on Freight

    On today’s editorial page, the Oregonian has figured out what the freight community keeps ignoring: shifting SOV drivers to alternate modes is good for freight! As gas prices hit $3 per gallon, it’s not just individual motorists rethinking their way of getting around the region. Businesses are, too. And as an understanding of the region’s…

  • Congestion and the Last Mile

    Hat tip to reader Randy Evans who passed on this link for a European pilot program on managing congestion due to city-center deliveries. What might a similar program look like here in our region?

  • Watching it Unfold

    We’ve been following the question of where Light Rail might cross the river south of downtown as a case study in how such decisions get made (gradually, not all at once). Another chapter in the story was presented last week, with Commissioner Adams musing in the Tribune about how Light Rail might benefit the South…