Willamette Shoreline Transit/Trail Options Come into Focus
At a meeting Tuesday of the Steering Committee overseeing both the Eastside Streetcar project and the Willamette Shoreline analysis, a few things got clearer. The Lake Oswego Project Advisory Committee (LOPAC in Metro-speak) had recommended a dog’s breakfast of options for further review: 2 River Transit options 3 Streetcar options (in the current rail right-of-way,…
TriMet Seeks Input on Web Site Design
From an e-mail blast from TriMet: We want your opinion! TriMet, Metro and the City of Portland are building a new website to provide the public with timely information about the Portland Mall Light Rail construction project beginning in January 2007. Please help us make the site as useful as possible by taking this brief…
TriMet Finalizes Mall Bus Relocation Plan
After reviewing all the comments, TriMet has released their complete plan, to go into operation in January of 2007. 17 bus lines will run on 3rd and 4th avenues, carrying 85 percent of downtown riders on weekdays. 7 bus lines will run on Columbia and Jefferson streets, carrying 6 percent of weekday downtown riders. Line…
Any Ethicists Out There?
When do the needs of many trump the rights of an individual? I had an interesting experience on the #15 bus on Saturday (coming home from watching An Inconvenient Truth). The bus was approaching the (red) light at 18th and Morrison, wanting to make the right turn to get out to Burnside. There was a…
Trans Trib
It almost seems that today’s Portland Tribune is only about transportation! Discussion of shelters for the new transit mall. Is the business community trying to unshelter the mall? Regular Portland Transport contributor Bob Richardson is quoted. New development is cutting off connections in the SW Trail network. This network serves as an alternative to the…