Category: Bus

  • When’s My Bus Coming?

    In the Sunday O, Jim Mayer has an article about the TriMet bus lines that are most consistently late (TriMet defines this as more than 5 minutes behind schedule). The champion is the #95 I-5 Tigard Express. In fact, all of the worst performing lines are long-haul lines, often expresses, that are most likely to…

  • TriMet on Bikes on Bus

    Apparently TriMet is following some of our discussions here about maxing out capacity for bikes on bus and MAX. Here’s a note I recently received: This is Kiran Limaye, bicycle coordinator for TriMet. I believe we met at a TPAC meeting some time back. A while ago there was a post on your blog about…

  • New Transportation-related Blog

    With a specialty focus … TriMet Watchdog

  • TriMet Fares to Rise Again (and Again)?

    This alert hit TriMet’s e-mail list yesterday. Under the semi-automatic diesel cost response plan that TriMet instituted earlier in the year, a nickel fare increase is being proposed, and another nickel is possible. This would put an all-zone fare at $2.00 or $2.05. Ugh.

  • AORTA Testimony on Eastside Transit

    Delivered May 10th at the public hearing on the Eastside Transit Alternatives Analysis. AORTA asserts that all reasonable alternatives for an eastside circulator have not been fully analyzed. The Draft Evaluation Report states in Chapter 2, regarding the No-Build Alternative (page 2-1 paragraph 4), “A ‘best bus’ alternative with further bus system enhancements would not…