Category: Bus

  • TriMet: All B5, All the Time

    The Oregonian is reporting that TriMet will use B5 Biodiesel in its entire fleet (they had previously tried this with the Lift fleet). While 5% may not seem like a big deal, TriMet is such a large customer that this commitment should go a long way to help develop biodiesel infrastructure in the region.

  • Mall Bus Stop Relocations

    TriMet has released the detailed locations of bus stops relocated for the Transit Mall reconstruction starting in January.

  • Security Dollars for Transit

    The Portland Business Journal is reporting that Homeland Security has awarded $800K to TriMet and $150K to C-Tran for security. Anyone from TriMet reading out there who can tell us how it will get spent?

  • 30 Years of Trolleybus Advocacy

    Long-time transit advocates will be familiar with Ray Polani. Ray has been advocating for a greater role for public transit for decades, most recently focusing on the need to run MAX under the river and underground through downtown for greater speed and efficiency. Ray is old-school, he doesn’t use a computer. Nonetheless he heard about…

  • Organizing the World’s Transit

    Google describes its mission as “organizing the world’s information”. Friday, at the Transit track of GOSCON, Google discussed its plans for Google Transit with the assembled participants. Ultimately, Google intends for the transit planner to be part of its overall multi-modal trip planner (as in get from any point A on the globe to any…