TriMet Kudos from the City on the Bay
SPUR, a civic/planning organization in San Franciso has recently recognized TriMet’s Productivity Improvement Program (PIP), and urged their local transit agency to undertake a similar program. Hat tip to reader Garlynn Woodsong for the link.
An Intriguing Bus Idea
Hat tip to reader Elly Blue who pointed us to this essay on an interesting plan for integrating intercity buses and urban transit from the UK. Maybe we should move the bus station to the Rose Quarter to be near the intersection of I-5 and I-84?
TriMet vs. Streetcar – NOT!
One of the sub-themes running through the Trib’s ReThinking Portland issue on transportation is the role and appropriateness of the Eastside Streetcar project (AKA the Streetcar Loop) and competition between Streetcar and other transit modes. Nick Budnick swears to me that he wasn’t trying to stir up a feud between TriMet and Streetcar (OK, I…
More Biodiesel Applications
Willamette Week is reporting (“Day Tripper“) that “Shared Route” is now operating a slightly hippy-looking biodiesel shuttle from Portland to Seattle. At the same time, the Daily Journal of Commerce reports that contractors are slowing slowly switching to biodiesel for their heavy equipment.
Lucky Fred
In an interview in the Daily Journal of Commerce, TriMet General Manager Fred Hansen describes himself as: … one of the lucky ones because … I can take the (bus) without changing downtown. Fred talks about everything from Commuter Rail to The I-205 line to efficiency efforts at the agency.