Category: Bus

  • What Makes Good Transit?

    An interesting new paper from VTPI: “Valuing Transit Service Quality Improvements: Considering Comfort and Convenience In Transport Project Evaluation” (that’s a mouthfull). Basically the idea is to look at what the amenities (or lack thereof) are that make a transit trip seem longer or shorter (as a proxy for more or less attractive compared to…

  • TriMet Cleans Up its Act

    TriMet reports that it has installed exhaust filters on 45 of it’s oldest buses. Combined with the use of cleaner fuel, this reduces particulates and emissions by up to 90%. This brings the buses up to the standard applied to newer vehicles. TriMet will eventually roll out this technology to the oldest 1/3 of it’s…

  • Aversion to Transit Privatization

    Apparently after the transit system was privatized in a Chinese town, the operator doubled fares. The result: rioting. Still want to privatize TriMet? Hat tip to Ellie Blue.

  • How Far Will You Walk to Transit?

    Perhaps further than you thought. A new study suggests that the distance people will walk to transit (generally assumed to be 1/4 mile or so) may be less a function of distance than of the obstacles they find along the way. Major findings: Pedestrians walk farther to access light rail stations than commonly assumed, with…

  • Transit Ridership at Historic Levels

    Via Planetizen: The American Public Transportation Association reported that transit ridership on US systems is at its highest levels since 1957, having increased for the last three consecutive years. Light, heavy, and commuter rail, respectively, led the increase.