Category: Bus

  • Toward a Better Bus System

    Based on a suggestion in our open thread for suggesting topics, here’s an attempt to refocus the Bus vs. LRT debate we seem to have here constantly. Taking MAX out of the equation (you can either assume we stop building more MAX or that we have enough money to both buses and MAX), how would…

  • Clackamas County Transit in Wrong Places?

    According to an article in the O, a consultant reporting to the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners has concluded that TriMet routes are not aligned efficiently for commute trips: “We’re behind our neighbors and the rest of the nation,” said Yung Ouyang, who presented the analysis to Clackamas County commissioners Tuesday. “Nobody can get to…

  • LOPAC Divided

    Update: 8/9/07 Here’s the actual recommendation document (PDF, 490K). Original Post: 7/12/07 According to coverage in the Daily Journal of Commerce the Lake Oswego Transit Alternatives Analysis Project Advisory Committee (LOPAC in Metro acronym-ese) is divided on the mode choice. The area subcommittees for the north and south segments favor Streetcar while the segment in…

  • TriMet Adopts Budget

    TriMet has adopted a $741M budget for FY2008. In addition to a 5 cent fare increase and continuing construction of the Green Line and Washington County Commuter Rail, here are a few more highlights: $1.7 million to begin replacing the original 20-year old Ticket Vending Machines located along Eastside MAX line with debit/credit-card only machines.…

  • Lake Oswego Transit Update

    Last Thursday, the steering committee overseeing the Lake Oswego transit alternatives analysis got an update on the evaluation of alternatives. I’ll hit the highlights below, but the full presentation is here (PDF, 3M). There are also some visual simulations that I will post later when I receive them. To get involved in the process, you…