Bus-only Lanes Ineffective in Vancouver BC
Via Planetizen: Apparently there are more than a few complications in trying to speed buses through urban traffic.
Suburb to Suburb
Jim Mayer has a stark piece in Sunday’s O about the difficulty of moving between suburbs on transit (with accompanying map [PDF, 2.5M] and analysis of potential solutions). There’s no denying the problem, but how do we make the economics work for relatively lower-density/ridership routes (or are there high-ridership potential routes)? I was struck by…
ODOT Trip Check Adds Transit Data
ODOT’s Trip Check web site has added a section on Transit providers. The announcement follows. Here’s a deep link to the relevant section of Trip Check. ODOT adds public transit information to TripCheck.com Find transportation options online MAY 1, 2007 – The Oregon Department of Transportation’s award-winning travel information Web site, www.TripCheck.com, just added another…
Rethinking Fareless Square
A heated debate broke out on a Streetcar capacity thread. So let’s elevate the discussion to its own thread. Is the original purpose fareless square was designed to meet in 1974 still relevant? Should it be modified, eliminated?
Mel Gets His Numbers
As reported yesterday in the O. Here’s the official statement from Mary Fetsch of TriMet: TriMet has provided ridership data for years. Post 9/11, the issue of what is sensitive security information (SSI) has changed, and continues to evolve. We were directed to withhold information that was considered SSI. Now that the TSA office in…