More Wisdom from Vancouver
Via both the SW Trails list and Metro: Noted Canadian planning author and Vancouver BC planners to speak in Portland on “Neighbourhood Centres: The Vancouver, BC Planning Experience” Wednesday, November 8th 7:00 PM Multnomah Arts Center 7688 SW Capitol Highway, Room 34 Noted Canadian author and planner, Lance Berelowitz, will speak in Portland on Wednesday,…
Driving Your House
Over at the BTA Blog they’re citing a study that indicates that for some income categories, transportation costs are now a larger portion of income than housing. Read and comment there.
Ramping Up Property Values
Yesterday’s O tells us that the County is so in need of a lot for a new courthouse that it is considering condemnation for a block that a developer is eyeing for a substantial tower (a very bicycle friendly one by the way). But the companion story makes an interesting point. The adjacent lot currently…
Development Plan for an Alternative Columbia Crossing
Will Macht is an Adjunct Professor in the College or Urban & Public Affairs at Portland State University teaching courses in real estate development planning. The Urban Land Institute has published over 60 of his articles in Urban Land and in a book entitled “Remaking the Urban Waterfront”. Will has produced an opinion piece (PDF,…
Vancouver: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
This morning’s Tribune has a summary of last week’s Metro-sponsored trip to Vancouver, B.C. The article highlights a lot of Vancouver’s achievements, but there’s one bit of ugly that hasn’t been remarked on. Traffic speeds. In the neighborhood business districts we visited the speeds were routinely 50kph (30mph) and the streets were generally engineered so…