Category: Land Use Connections

  • House Miles

    That’s a new term, coined by the Urban Land Institute (as reported in the Daily Journal of Commerce), to describe the amount of driving associated with a house you’re thinking about purchasing. How much do you have to drive to get to work, to the grocery store, to day care, to the other regular needs…

  • Transportation on the Real Estate Page

    The O doesn’t put their real estate section online, so I don’t have a link, but the cover of the section on Sunday was about people buying homes based on their access to transportation – alternative transportation. It included both homes on transit lines AND with bicycle access. Apparently the Springwater has become quite the…

  • $57M Park and Ride?

    Frank Dufay is a neighborhood activist in SE Portland and a regular rider of the TriMet #14. Pave Paradise? Maybe not paradise, exactly, but a healthy chunk of South Waterfront will be disappearing under surface parking lots. You would think this new neighborhood, pedestrian-friendly, urban, dense, served by the Streetcar, buses and the Tram…well, how…

  • I’ll Take Cars with my Plaza, Please

    I attended the Design Concept Open House for the “3 Downtown Parks” project yesterday. The project is about designing the new park on top of the parking structure being built next to the Fox Tower (aka Park Block 5), updating O’Bryant Square and thinking about what to do with Ankeny Park on Burnside (no funds…

  • Health Care Done Right

    There’s been more heat than light lately over the discussion the Metro Council is having about whether they should have some role in planning health care facilities in the region. Metro hasn’t made a decision yet, and if they get involved, I suspect it will be a fairly light touch, but a lot of people…