Category: Land Use Connections

  • Schools and Congestion

    A reader passed on this article from the UK suggesting that a significant portion of AM peak congestion may be due to the combination of school trips with employment commute trips. So if we got all of our kids walking and biking to school, how much of our morning congestion could we do away with?

  • Access versus Mobility

    I’ve been harping on the theme of access vs. mobility lately. There’s a nice blog post out of Houston that puts this idea in stark relief, using London as an example. Part of the equation is that if you have good access via proximity, the speed of your mobility is less important. That’s why the…

  • Designing the Transit Mall, Twenty Feet at a Time

    A little whilte ago, the Daily Journal of Commerce ran a “conversation” with Tad Savinar, who is working on the streetscape design for the Transit Mall. The core of the conversation is the idea of looking at the Transit Mall in micro-increments, a single block face, or even a single store front. Savinar was kind…

  • “Dwell”ing on Portland

    A reader passed on a link to an article in Dwell magazine (for those not familiar, the magazine covers modern architecture with a hip sort of spin). The article covers transportation in the West in general, but if you make your way all the way to page 3, you’ll find the insight that in Portland,…

  • County Does the Right (Ramp) Thing

    Reported in yesterday’s O, Multnomah County will reconfigure a ramp from the Hawthorne Bridge to create a parcel on which to build a new courthouse. The ugly alternative was to grab the parcel being planned for a new office building.