Category: Land Use Connections

  • Better Late Than Never

    They’re finally getting around to rezoning Interstate Ave for transit-oriented development, how many years after the Yellow Line opened?

  • Debunking Squared

    Earlier this year the Cato Institute published a “Debunking Portland” report by Randall O’Toole. The Congress for New Urbanism has now published a “Debunking Cato” report that refutes many of the assertions of O’Toole’s report. While I’m glad someone has our back, I’d rather just keep putting energy into making Portland better.

  • Density’s Impacts on Transportation

    Via the Overhead Wire: Here’s a fun tool from the San Francisco League of Conservation Voters that inter-relates urban density with other factors including VMT, vehicle ownership and the air quality consequences of those choices. It gives examples of neighborhood types at each level of density and lets you plug in your owner numbers to…

  • Blighted Farmland

    I had a chuckle yesterday morning when reading in the O about the opposition simmering in response to Washington County’s consideration of forming an Urban Renewal district to pay for roads, sewers and other infrastructure for the North Bethany UGB expansion area. I’ve actually been party to discussions at MPAC about using urban renewal as…

  • Updated: Centers Happen?

    Update: 7/20/07 Almost two years ago I asked the question: what happens when a center may be coming into existence where we didn’t plan one. Now the Oregonian reports on discussion among some Metro Council members about just that question, about that same center. Original Post: 7/26/05 Metro President David Bragdon has been spending the…