Category: Land Use Connections

  • The Resilience of the 20-minute Neighborhood

    While the TV is showing cars slipping and sliding all over Portland (as someone who lived the first 27 years of his life in New England, I can’t help a chuckle over what one inch of snow does to this city), I’m finding life here in my neighborhood relatively calm. Yesterday I was able to…

  • Transportation for “Fringe Urbanism”

    Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Fall 2008 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Nico Larco, University of Oregon, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture Topic: Fringe Urbanism: Potential Transportation Patterns in Overlooked Suburban Density When: December 5, 2008, 12:00 – 1:00p.m. Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204

  • Tolling = Better Land Use Policy?

    Via Planetizen: A new paper published by Brookings (PDF, 571K) suggests that pricing of commute routes would lead to both reduction in sprawl and more affordable housing. But commentary on the paper also suggests that this may produce inequities for lower income households that may need to be offset somehow.

  • The Latest on Transit-Oriented Development

    Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2008 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: GB Arrington, Principal Practice Leader, PB PlaceMaking and Jennifer Dill, Portland State University Topic: Transit-Oriented Development: Findings from Recent Research When: Friday, May 2, 2008, 12:00-1:30pm Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204

  • One Block at a Time

    The Daily Journal of Commerce has a nice article on Tad Savinar’s efforts to tailor the urban design of the transit mall block-by-block to the needs of the local land uses. I blogged about this more than a year ago.