Good News for Planning
Some good news for fans of transportation planning, and regional planning in general. Two bills have passed both the Oregon House and Senate and are headed to the Governor’s desk for signature. One will give Metro an additional two years to process the next Urban Growth Boundary review. The other will give Metro the ability…
FTA-HUD Study Points to TOD as Important Affordability Strategy
Reconnecting America has just published an FTA-HUD study that finds that households in transit-rich neighborhoods spend just 9% of household income on transportation, while suburban households spend 25% of household income. It also suggests that households that move to the suburbs to find lower housing costs spend up to 77% of the housing savings on…
Houses vs. Cars
A front page story in Friday’s Trib suggests that high-density housing in the central city is a bad idea because it puts concentrations of population near freeways and their pollution. So what’s the alternative? Push everyone out to the suburbs and leave the city for those too poor to have a choice? That will only…
Sidewalks Holding Up Regional Center?
An article in this morning’s Daily Journal of Commerce suggests that figuring out how to pay for sidewalks is slowing the development of the pedestrian distract in the Gateway Regional Center.
CRC and Land Use
One of the persistent questions being asked about the Columbia River Crossing project is whether it won’t exacerbate the jobs-housing imbalance between the two sides of the river. Staff’s answer is that it won’t, and that this was validated with a modeling run in Metro’s Metroscope tool. I’ve asked staff for a copy of the…