Category: Land Use Connections

  • Deep Questions from the Big Look

    The Big Look Task Force has posed a series of questions to different organizations. While they didn’t specifically invite Portland Transport to submit answers, that never stopped us before. Here’s a subset of the list that readers might want to share their perspective on: In the absence of the federal funding which underwrote much suburban…

  • TOD Event in North Portland

    From the Portland Tribune: North Portland residents are invited to a Sept. 7 discussion about neighborhood redevelopment and transit. With a theme of “What is transit-oriented development?” the event is hosted by the Overlook Neighborhood Association and TriMet. G.B. Arrington, an internationally recognized leader in transit-oriented development, will discuss the Interstate corridor and the goals…

  • Cedar Mill Wal-Mart Denied on Transportation Grounds

    The Beaverton City Council reversed their own Design Review Board and voted 5-0 to deny Wal-Mart’s application to build in Cedar Mill. Transportation was cited as the major issue: Opponents attacked Wal-Mart’s plans based on traffic and design. Wal-Mart’s consultants estimated the store would create 7,400 vehicle trips a day. The company promised to pay…

  • Parks, Parking Disconnect

    Yesterday I swung by Pioneer Courthouse Square to check out the open house on planning for the new parks and updates to Park Block 5, O’Bryant Square and Ankeny Park. One of the panels was about the “Park Avenue Vision” urban design concept which is intended to tie these parks together and link them to…

  • LCDC adopts TPR amendments, continues rulemaking

    Cross-posted from a message Rob sent to the OTRAN list. FYI, on June 29 the Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted amendments to the Transportation Planning Rule. LCDC also continued the rulemaking process to consider whether or not to make additional amendments to the rule as it relates to thresholds for goal exceptions for roadway…