Category: Land Use Connections

  • Big Look and Transportation: Part 2

    Taking a “Big Look” at Transportation and Land Use Planning in Oregon – Call To Action Previously, I explained that there are two transportation and land use programs at work in Oregon: the regulatory program many worry about and the follow-the-money program that matters more. As Alex Marshall puts it in How Cities Work: Suburbs,…

  • Big Look and Transportation: Part 1

    Taking a “Big Look” at Transportation and Land Use in Oregon – Introduction Senate Bill 82 established the Oregon Task Force on Land Use Planning (OTFLUP), commonly known as the “Big Look” Task Force, to study Oregon’s land use planning program and make recommendations to the 2007 and 2009 legislatures. But which land use program…

  • Urbanism = Amenity?

    Last week’s episode of Smart City (mp3, 23.6M) talks about sprawl and urbanism (the segment leads off the show). A few of the key ideas: Sprawl has been driven by a combination of zoning (trying to separate uses – keep the slaughterhouse away from my house) and Federal subsidies for things like the Interstate Highway…

  • Streetcar and Gentrification

    An article in yesterday’s Trib about the Central Eastside urban renewal district quoted Sam Adams saying that additional funds were needed to lock in affordable housing in the face of the gentrification that would be created by the Streetcar and other improvements. This was part of his justification for increasing the maximum indebtedness of the…

  • Land Use gets Tangled in Transportation

    Thursday’s Oregonian featured two stories about transportation getting tangled up in land use decisions. First, Sam Adams has proposed a moratorium on large commercial development on Hayden Island to protect the river crossing. City Council needs to give 45 days notice before taking such a vote and Sam collected a resolution of support for starting…