Category: Land Use Connections

  • Take the Big Look Survey

    “Big Look”, “New Look”, are you confused yet? The Big Look is the state-wide reexamination of the land use planning system. The New Look is the regional update of our land use, transportation and investment strategies to help us plan for the 1 million or so new folks who will show up in the next…

  • New Look Exercise # 2

    See the initial post for the rules and background. Here’s the second set of outcomes. We will know our land use and transportation infrastructure is efficient when… My answer: household expenditures on transportation drop to 10% of all household expenditures (currently about 15% in our region).

  • New Look Exercises

    Friday was the infamous first New Look Regional Forum, which opened with an apology for the $30 registration fee. Hopefully that’s the last to be said of that issue. I was there for about 2/3rds of the forum (sadly I had to leave for a City Club Forum on one of my favorite subjects). I…

  • Cascadia Scorecard Released

    The Sightline Institute released their 2006 Cascadia Report Card yesterday. This is the third in their series of annual report cards on the health of our greater region (an area containing watersheds in parts of Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia and Alaska). While there is no transportation grade per se, the report…

  • Is Goal 1 Obsolete?

    Statewide Planning Goal # 1: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. [read the rest of the goal text here (PDF, 12K)] There seems to be a difference of opinion about what this means in the context of the “Big…