More Wisdom from Vancouver

Via both the SW Trails list and Metro:

Noted Canadian planning author and Vancouver BC planners to speak in Portland on “Neighbourhood Centres: The Vancouver, BC Planning Experience”

Wednesday, November 8th
7:00 PM
Multnomah Arts Center
7688 SW Capitol Highway, Room 34

Noted Canadian author and planner, Lance Berelowitz, will speak in Portland on Wednesday, November 8th with two other Vancouver, BC planners, Anthony Pearl and David Ramslie. Their free and public presentation will be on “Neighbourhood Centres: The Vancouver, BC Planning Experience” exploring the efforts in Vancouver to develop compact housing, public transit, and commercial development around defined neighborhood nodes or centers. Their talk is relevant to Portland’s efforts to develop similarly compact Town Centers throughout the metro region. Neighborhood leaders interested in how the Vancouver experience can be a lesson for developing compact neighborhood business districts and town centers in Portland are encouraged to attend.

Lance Berlowitz, Principal at Urban Forum Associates in Vancouver, BC, is author of “Dream City: Vancouver and the Global Imagination.” Berlowitz will speak about his work redeveloping a transit station and the surrounding area in one of Greater Vancouver’s regional town centres. He will address what some of the effective strategies have been achieved, where more work needs to be done and some notions about what the future holds.

Anthony Pearl, Director and Professor of planning and geography with the Urban Studies Program at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC will speak about the challenges and benefits of linking our network of regional town centres with rapid public transport. Pearl will discuss the success that has been achieved, where more work needs to be done and what the future holds.

Dave Ramslie, an urban designer and planner working for the Green Buildings Planner, City of Vancouver, BC, will speak about Vancouver’s Neighbourhood Centres program mentioned above. Ramslie will explore how these endeavors offer greater housing choice, improved retail
options, and public realm treatments as well as limited community development support.

Sponsored by:
Southwest Hills Residential League (SWHRL), Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI) and the City of Portland, Office of Neighborhood Involvement. Their visit to Portland has been organized by the
Canadian Consulate General in Seattle, WA as part of Canada Week, an outreach effort in Oregon to raise awareness about the connections between Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest states.

Trimet bus: Capitol Hwy, #44
The event is wheelchair accessible.

For more information on this event contact:
Jim Thayer, President, SW Hills Residential League, 503-823-3309
Don Baack, President, Hillsdale Neighborhood Association, 503-246-2088
Brian Hoop, Office of Neighborhood Involvement, 503-823-3075,

7 responses to “More Wisdom from Vancouver”

  1. This just reminds me of the need to do two things.

    #1 Visit Canada, namely Vancouver.
    #2 Get a passport, namely to visit my fellow European friends and economists.

  2. Chris,

    In that you visited Vancouver recently (I have not been there for about 20 years): Do the busses stop for passengers in motor vehicle travel lanes, such as at curb extensions, or do busses pull over to the curb, possibly using pullouts when stopping so other vehicles can pass?

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