Category: Transportation Planning

  • How We Travel

    When Metro released the results of their Household (Travel) Activity Survey last year, a lot of folks were underwhelmed with the shift away from auto travel regionally. But in Portland, and particularly in some neighborhoods, the results were pretty stark. At this month’s “bicycle brown bag“, Roger Geller of PBOT will share his analysis that…

  • Proximity Ten Times More Influential Than Speed?

    So says this article, looking at the factors that influence access: proximity, mobility and connectivity. This is why the updated Comprehensive Plan will be so important to our future transportation!

  • You Get What You Measure

    The indefatigable Todd Litman has a guest piece on Planetizen reviewing the many ways we can measure the performance of our transportation systems. This discussion is an excellent prelude for developing performance measures for Portland’s update to our Comprehensive Plan, in which I hope we will find a much better measure than “LOS” (Level of…

  • Where Would You Put Transit Stations in the Southwest Corridor?

    Metro has a new on-line planning tool up for the Southwest Corridor project. It lets you choose where you think the station areas should be for High Capacity Transit (but you only get to pick five!) and also gets your input on modal and community investments. Check it out, it’s called “Shape Southwest”.

  • Better Late than Never

    A few weeks ago, when the Oregonian wrote their “people will always drive” editorial, I penned a response with Randy Miller, a business leader in the Central Eastside. Our perspective addressed in particular how mobility in the central city has changed. The O has finally published it.